Museum of Weird Books of Weird Books

How Babies Are Made

How Babies Are Made

By Andrew C. Andry and Steven Schepp.

Time-Life Books 1968.

Paper cutout testicles and humping dogs illustrate the nature of sex in this book. If you can get over the fact that somebody designed and cut out the sperm path of mating chickens, you might be able to read this book to an autistic child.

You can't judge this book by its cover, unless it is saying, "explicit information presented in pleasing pastels and lovely construction paper models".


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This is tasteful -- and such design values! Unfortunately, I have never seen a flower that looked like this, even in cross-section.

But wait, it gets better!


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That is a strange bug; so realistic, yet all made from construction paper.

I wondered if any of those projects in grade school would ever be put to good use.


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I grew up on a farm and I know mating chickens never were this calm.


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Oh, this is interesting! Don't those things come in a sheath?

Heeerb! The dog's humping my leg again!


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The problem with these diagrams is that I never know-- is this the front view or is it the back?


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Ah, the beauty of childbirth! Not something you see very often, and so lovingly rendered in construction paper.


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